18 Things Learned At 18

"You're 18?! Do you drive?", "You are officially legal", "You are an adult now", "Do you feel different?"

Sounds familiar?

Hello there,

It has been 5 months since turning the Big 18 and I have managed to learn plenty of life lessons in this concise amount of time. These lessons which I will take with me and learn from to become a better and happier person. 

I thought why not take the opportunity to share and leave some advice on what turning 18 is actually like to those who think otherwise.

1. Write things down in a journal or try new things that will be worth remembering. Your story is important.

2. Invest your time on people who will make a difference in your life, who care about what you want and who will help you get it and filter out the rest.

3. Communicate. No one can read minds, and assuming you know exactly what someone else is thinking is not the brightest idea either.

4. It's perfectly okay to spend some time alone because this helps you grow and discover yourself as a mature human being.

5. Actions speak louder than words. When it’s all said and done, make sure you have done more than what you promised.

6. Reach out. You begin to realize that vulnerability is a beautiful thing and there’s nothing wrong in feeling insecure when asking for help. You don’t always have to be your own hero.

7. Listen to your parents. They have seen the world and know what's best for you.

8. Take a second to step back and appreciate the age you are, stop wishing to be older because you’re never going to be this young again.

9. Work hard to achieve. The sweetest things in life are earned. Enjoy what’s been given to you, and savor your accomplishments.

10. Feel passionate and content about everything you do. Laugh, love, and live every day. It’s these little moments that make life worth it.

11. Cherish your school life. All these years we spent in school are the most pivotal points in our lives. Believe it or not, high school goes by quickly and you may end up missing all of it after you graduate.

12. Take photographs of everything, looking back on good times is wonderful.

13. Teach your friends, your family, your peers. Let them into your unique view of the world, and share your knowledge with them. They will definitely benefit from your perspective.

14. Go with your gut and face your fears. Life is too short and too wonderful to be scared.

15. Change is inescapable, and usually happens for reasons that will become clear to you over time. Learn to accept it, for better or for worse.

16. Be yourself. There is no one on this earth like you, and diminishing yourself, and who you truly are, would be doing the world a great disservice.

17. Time passes by rather quickly. One minute you are going to your first day of kindergarten and before you know, you are standing on a stage in your cap and gown graduating high school.

18. Not all 18 year old kids need a driver's license to drive ;P

Eighteen... This one word brings responsibilities and also tags along the word Adult with it. When in reality, it's our society that complicates the process of growing up and pressures young individuals to make important life choices.

Now do you understand why Peter Pan didn't want to grow up?

Till next time, stay tuned for more!


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