Here I am sitting in the comfort of my home, all snuggled in my blanket and binge watching all the TV shows possible while also typing this sensitive update.

COVID-19 has affected the whole world and this paranoia is spreading even faster than the virus itself. I for one, have been practicing social distancing and only leave my house to buy groceries and not bulk buy like many others. 

Those who are bulk buying are unaware of how insensitive and inconsiderate they are being towards a community of elderly who are at a larger risk here. Who thought the world would end up fighting over a roll of tissue paper? Fortunately, many stores are restricting people with a limit of not buying more than a certain amount in order to stop this panic.

As students who are living far away from home, this panic is not doing us any good. Our semesters are being delayed, no socializing and most importantly, we have no family support to take care of us if we do fall sick.

COVID-19 was recognized to be more like a common flu and it's symptoms only start showing after approximately 14 days. Government and authorities all over the world are advising public to stay home and self isolate not only to prevent them from catching it but to also, minimize empty vectors that can carry and spread this virus to their loved ones.

I thought to write this post for those of you looking for something to do when in isolation and to those who are panicking like most of us. You are not alone, everything will be fine. Here are a few things we can do while we are self-isolating at home.

1. Support small online shops

2. Meditate

3. Exercise from home

4. Take on a cleaning project

5. Face time with your loved ones 

6. Meal-prep

7. Self-care 

8. Netflix and chill

9. Read more

10. Board games 

11. Paint/Drawings

12. DIY sesh

13. Journaling

14. Listen to music/Karaoke

15. Go for a walk

16. Organize your closet 

17. Redecorate your room

18. Catch up on sleep

19. Wash and sanitize your hands

I hope this list of activities helps you keep distracted and occupied while in isolation. Play your part and stay indoors to protect yourself and others. Keep hydrated, eat healthy and take care. If you feel sick, stay indoors or seek medical assistance. Stay strong in this time of panic.

Hope you liked my post and credits to Google for these GIF's.

Stay tuned for more!


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